§ 17 Other educational purposes

(1)A foreigner may be issued a residence permit for the purpose of basic and advanced industrial training, if the Federal Employment Agency has granted approval in accordance with Section 39 or if a statutory provision in accordance with Section 42 or an inter-governmental agreement stipulates that such basic and advanced vocational training is permissible without approval from the Federal Employment Agency. Any restrictions imposed by the Federal Employment Agency in granting approval are to be specified in the residence permit. Section 16 (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(2) If the trainee-ship is a qualified one, it allows the foreigner to work up to 10 hours per work, independent from the trainee-ship.

(3) After the successful certificate of the qualified trainee-ship the title of stay can be stretched up to one year so the foreigner gets the chance to find a job that suits the certificate of the trainee-ship, if this kind of job can be performed by a foreigner after § 18 and 21. The allowance of stay does permit the foreigner to work. § 9 do not count here.