§ 75 Duties

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has … the following tasks :

Collaboration with the administrative authorities of the Member States of the European Union as a National Focal Point and Competent Authority under Article 22 , paragraph 1 of the … Directive 2009/50/EC …

§ 91f Information for the realization of the regulation 2009/50/EG in the European Union

(1)The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, as a national contact center after article 22 paragraph 1 of the regulation 2009/50/EG, informs the responsible office of another member state of the European Union, in which the foreigner owns the EU blue card, about the contents and the day of the decision concerning the EU blue card. The office that made the decision transmits the essential information immediately to the national contact center. The National contact center can get the necessary data for the instructions after sentence 1, automatically from the foreign central register by the foreign authorities under use of the AZR-number.

(2)The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees transmits annually the responsible organizations of the European Union:

1. The data which has to be transmitted after the regulation (EG) Number 862/2007 of the European Parliament and the council of 11th July 2007 about Communal statistics concerning wanderings and international protection and for the annulment of the regulation (EWG) Number 311/76 of the council about the production of statistics about foreign workers (ABl.L199 of 31July 2007, page 23) in relation to giving out of the EU blue card, as well as

2. a list of the occupations through which a salary, after article 5 paragraph 5 of the regulation 2009/50/EG was determined by statutory order after §19a paragraph 2 number 1.